Monday 3 October 2011

League Presentation Evening

Huddersfield and District Tennis League held its presentation evening at the YMCA's Launds Hill centre on Friday, 30th September. Among the teams to receive a trophy were Grove's Mens team, who were League Division 4 Champions.

The team finished the season with 32 points, level with Liversedge C, but decisively won a decider. Both teams will play in Division 3 next season.

Stalwarts throughout the season include captain Julian Parr, Roger Hardy, John Ardley, Mick Pearson, Chris Riley, Neville Edwards, with David Gregory, Fash Safdari, Adrian Abel and Danny Moss filling in as necessary.

The picture shows captain Julian Parr (3rd from the left) with (left to right) Adrian Abel, Fred Dransfield and Roger Hardy.

Grove has had a very successful year, with an increased membership and a much higher use being made of the courts, which lived up to their reputation as being among the best shale courts in the area. It is hoped that next season Grove will be able to enter a second men's team, matching Grove ladies who will be playing in their 2nd and 3rd Divisions. However, a few more players will be needed, so if you would like to play league tennis next year, Grove would be a good place to try.

The Club's AGM will be held on Monday, 7th November, why not come along and make yourself known.

The courts are still playable (Monday 3rd October) but the darker nights are creeping in, bringing to an end Wednesday Club nights. Thanks to all who have supported the club in what can only be regarded as a most successful year.
Grove tennis club's league representative Sadie McFadzean and club stalwart Fred Dransfield at the league dinnerAdrian Abel (Chair for another month!)